
Saturday, November 18, 2017


November 2017 - Toronto ON and On The Road

2013 - Lunenburg NS


Six Word Saturday

Pretty typical for us, some groceries and relaxing. Homemade chicken rice soup for lunch.
Roast stuffed (gluten free) chicken, Brussels sprouts, roast carrots and potatoes with gravy.

One Word Sunday
inSPIREd Sunday
Shadow Shot Sunday

Football...Baking oatmeal raisin cookies...knitting using up some wool on a scarf for me...

Roast beef, mushy peas and mashed potatoes.

Foto Tunes
Monday Mural

We got organized for our anniversary trip, we're driving to Boca Raton Florida for a week of sunshine and relaxation. John can extend his golfing season as well.

Dinner was the leftover roast beef reincarnated as noodles and beef. I found a really good gluten free noodle that we both like.

Weekly Travel Theme
Tuesday Treasures

Had electrician come and check lights and install finally the light in our walk in closet. One more thing off the to-do list.

When I got downtown I noticed that there was filming taking place at the Royal York Hotel. Imposters is in its second season.

Girls' and boys' lunch out, separately.

Finish packing, make lunches and tidy up before leaving.

Day 1 Toronto to Cranberry PA

On the road at 9:30 7 C and a grey day. Easy drive, really easy border crossing at Fort Erie, no one in the Nexus line.
I had made potato salad with ham for lunch. We then made a couple of bathroom stops, picked up some beer and wine in separate places. Pennsylvania is a liquor control state much like Ontario's LCBO. We got the beer at a beer depot and then wine in a state run Wine and Spirits.

We booked the Hilton Garden Inn on points in Cranberry PA.

Check in was a pleasure with Addison, who also checked us out.

For dinner we did room service, I ordered shrimp quesadillas but got chicken. I called to let them know and they offered to replace it but I said it was fine. It was deleted from the invoice.
John had the chicken Caesar and said it was great.

Thursday Doors

Day 2 Cranberry PA to Wytheville VA

After our warm complimentary breakfast we headed out.

An interesting sky was we started with the heat on at 7C then soon had bright sunshine in West Virginia and didn't need our coats by the time we got to Wytheville VA and it had climbed to 16C.

We drove through Fayetteville WV.

Once we checked in at the Hampton in Wytheville VA we went into town.

This impressive scribbler points down to the entrance of an office supply store, frightening those who fear impalement by a big pencil.

Go inside to see the world's largest working scissors.

The First Lady of Hot Dogs
Skeeters has been serving Skeeter-Dogs to locals and travelers since 1925. You haven't been to Wytheville unless you have been to Skeeter's!

The sign on the side of the Skeeter's building, which for years bragged, "Over 6 Million Sold," has had the 6 crossed out and replaced with a 9.

On the sidewalk outside is a historical marker noting that future First Lady Mrs. Woodrow Wilson was born upstairs.

This water tower for the town of Wytheville is made to look like a hot air balloon, including a basket.

Since we are in a Hampton and they don't have restaurants we had cheeses and crackers for dinner.


Day 3 Wytheville VA to Pooler GA

We were on the road by 8:45 again, temperature was 2C but the sun was shining and by the end of the day it was 20C!

Our destination was Pooler/Savannah GA. We made a stop at JR's Cigars in Mooresville NC for John to stock up.


The Mothers was a pretty typical teenage story, love triangle. Secrets in a small town.

The Marriage Lie wow I didn't see that ending coming!

Started The Sound of Gravel and I am totally hooked but not getting much reading done while we're on the road.


Weekend Cooking hosted by
Beth hosts Weekend Cooking where you can post anything food related.
Saturday Snapshots is hosted by West Metro Mommy.


  1. Uneventful road trips that get you to your destination are the best!

    cheers from mae at

  2. Thanks for sharing your travels. LOVE the giant pencil and scissors. Quirky things like that are so much fun and make travel more interesting.
    My Saturday Snapshot post features two photography tips.

  3. Loved reading about your trip on your way to Florida! We drive as well but to Miami-
    Also loved how you called your leftover meal a " reincarnation" - too funny
    Enjoy Boca Raton and the warm weather

  4. I've been knitting a lot too lately. Good job on escaping south for a few days ... it's been deary around here.

    I must make note of those noodles for when I have GF friends over. Love the pencil and the scissors! What fun finds. That cigar place looks so classic!

    I hope you love Sound of Gravel as much as I did. It was a fascinating story.

  5. This was a wonderful trip, Jackie. We've done a large part of your trip, including Canada entry at Fort Erie. I am glad that you Hub will be able to play golf. I forget that 'some people' can't play year round. Here along the Gulf Coast the courses are never closed for cold weather. Rainy days might be 'cart path only.' I'm glad that you like to travel the U.S. We've been to all 50 states and to more than half of the Canada Provinces and Territories.
    We've been gone doing the Regal Princess the last three weeks, with three back-to-back cruises. Brooklyn to Halifax and St John's N.B and back to Brooklyn (this time we took a ferry to the Wall Street dock and walked over to the 9-11 Memorial. It was a 28 minute ferry ride, would have taken and hour and a half one way via taxi. Then from Brooklyn to Fort Lauderdale visiting St. Kitts (substitution for St Martins, hurricane damaged), Antigua, and Bonaire in the Eastern Caribbean. Then another seven days with four stops in the Western Caribbean and back to Ft. Lauderdale. It was 22 days total. I posted a few pictures for the Friday Hunt.
    Need to start Six Day Saturdays again if I ever get my act together again.

    1. That sounds like a fantastic trip! We're missing about 5 States and Newfoundland and the territories. We'll have to catch up to you!

    2. You'll never catch up to Jim! And yes- time he started 6WS again. I miss him! :)

  6. The cigar lounge looks like quite a place to relax.

  7. Enjoyed your road trip. I'm one of those people apt to worry about being stabbed by the giant pencil, or the scissors. Have put The Sound of Gravel on my 'want to read' list.

  8. The pencil and scissors are wonderful! And your voyage sounds wonderful, too.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel


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