
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

One a Day

September 2017 - Rapid City SD

Click on this link to get the background on the City of Presidents that I am showing daily.

There is no particular order to my posts.

30. Calvin Coolidge

Calvin Coolidge was born in Plymouth, Vermont, on July 4, 1872, to a village storekeeper. He graduated from Amherst College and entered into a career of law and politics in Northampton, Massachusetts. Coolidge would eventually be elected Governor of Massachusetts. As President, Coolidge was determined to uphold the old moral and economic precepts during a time of material and economic prosperity. His first message to Congress in 1923 called for tax cuts, limited aid to farmers and an isolation in foreign policy. While Coolidge is considered a President of inactivity, he was quick to be photographed in Native American war bonnets or cowboy dress, and was always greeting a variety of delegations at the White House. Coolidge was known for his brevity with words and, while vacationing in the Black Hills of South Dakota, announced famously: "I do not choose to run for President in 1928." Coolidge stands on the corner of 5th St. & Main St. He can be seen posing with his Stetson hat, cowboy boots and custom saddle.

Sculptor: John Lopez

03 Jefferson
04 Madison
06 Adams
08 Van Buren
09 Harrison
10 Tyler
11 Polk
15 Buchanan
16 Lincoln
17 Johnson
18 Grant
19 Hayes
20 Garfield
22 Cleveland

24 Cleveland
26 Roosevelt
27 Taft
32 Roosevelt
33 Truman
34 Eisenhower
36 Johnson
37 Nixon

39 Carter
41 Bush Sr.

43 Bush Jr


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