
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Canobbio House - Mazatlan Mexico

February 2014 - Mazatlan Mexico

Today was an exploring, walking day around Centro Historico. We headed into town early, around 10.
An item on our to do list was a visit to the Canobbio House which houses a museum upstairs.
This is a very popular spot for wedding photos. I snapped some photos a few weeks ago of a wedding.

This building is one of the most historic in the city. Originally it was just one story and served as a sort of market called Portal de la Lonja. In 1864, during remodeling, the second story was added. Later it was sold to a family who set up an apothecary shop on the premises, and people began to call it Portales de Canobbio after the last name of the owners.

Luis Canobbio created a substance called "The Fountain of Eternal Youth", the lotion "The goddess Venus" that gave eternal beauty to those who drank it.
In 1897 housed both the offices of Bank of London and the Bank of Mexico.

Downstairs is a popular restaurant.

It costs $20 pesos to visit upstairs. It is beautifully decorated in the style of the mid-1800s.

There is a huge collection of old photographs.

These old advertisements were on the kitchen (cocina) walls.

The building.


  1. What an interesting and fascinating place to see!

  2. Quite the bedrooms in this place. Were you able to eat at the restaurant?


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