
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Monday Mural

January 2016 – Guadalajara Mexico

This mural is in a square known as PLAZUELA DE LOS MARIACHIS located on Independence Avenue between Javier Mina and Alvaro Obregon. 

Its actual name is "Pepe Guízar Square" in honour of this famous composer, among his works is the very famous "Guadalajara". 

In the square there is a bronze bust of Silvestre Vargas, the founder of the Mariachi Vargas.


  1. The rich colour of the dress contrasts nicely with the black and white of the rest of the mural!

  2. The festive colors of her swirling skirt make me wish for more color in the mural. Love your header too. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  3. Very cool mural Jackie, mariachi music certainly gets the toes tapping :)


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