
Friday, October 11, 2019

Weekend Roundup

Welcome to The Weekend Roundup...hosted by Tom The Back Roads Traveler

ABC Wednesday

1. Starts with "O."
2. A Favorite
3. OVER  - chosen by Tom

Starts with "O"

OLD Speckled Hen


Old Brewery Lane Toronto Ontario taken on the Lost Breweries tour.


The OVERDRAUGHT pub on Front St. Toronto, where many lunches were shared with a friend, alas, now passed over to the wrecker's ball.

Last Call

The Old Fox Birmingham England 2010


  1. ...O utstanding job Jackie!!! I like the O verdraught. Are you going to be able to keep this going? Thanks so much for linking, enjoy your weekend.

  2. Hi Jackie ~~ I like your Beer Trail route through the ABC's. I had not known any starting with "O". The Old Fox looked pretty nice, since 2010 did it close? Our favorite is in London, a Fish and Chips place, The Golden Hind. I think their beer is mainline but it's been around for a long time. Try it your next.

    1. No, the Old Fox is still open, we took our photo in 2010, Jim.

  3. A good set of O:s! I became thirsty, but shall have only coffee, it's early morning here :)


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