Friday, May 6, 2016

Weekend Cooking

May 2016 - Toronto ON

Saturday we drove to Montreal for the weekend to see family. We had dinner with family one night at their home, lunch out with cousins, and dinner out with other family members.

We drove home on Monday and arrived around 7 PM. 

It was a quiet week. I hosted the condo coffee meet on Thursday and these were some of the goodies we served.

Friday we went for our "international" lunch, Polish this time, at a place rated very highly Cafe Polonez. Well, if John doesn't finish his meal, then it is bad. 
Cabbage rolls - bland, no taste. 
Potato latkes - greasy and flat.
Pierogis - we had a mixture. I tried the minced pork and had trouble getting past the texture of the filling. John said the cheddar and potato were "not bad".

Even the presentation is uninspired.

It was a gorgeous day (finally) and warm for a stroll along Roncesvalles.

We drove through High park hoping that the cherry blossoms had bloomed, but still not yet. Hopefully next week.

Colborne Lodge is an historic site operated by the City. I spotted one of the staff in traditional costume in the garden.


Coconut-Mango-Lime Green Smoothie Recipe with Kale

1 mango, peeled and pitted
1/2 lime, peeled and deseeded
1/2 frozen banana, peeled and sliced
3 cups curly kale
8 ounces of unsweetened coconut milk


Saturday - Montreal at family pork, mixed vegetables baked potatoes
Sunday - Montreal out with family at Baton Rouge ribs and tuna
Monday - breakfast for dinner
Tuesday - homemade pizza
Wednesday - Pork chops, potato carrot turnip mash
Thursday - CINCO DE MAYO margaritas and beef fajitas 
Friday - cheese and baguette


Vietnam Pho soup at Green Mango Boys Cloverdale

Italy pizza at Olympic Bloor/Yonge

International Burgers at Batch in Financial District

New England Clam chowder at St. Lawrence Market

Chinese General Tao Chicken at Sawtow in Chinatown (Spadina)

Thailand Thai curry soup at Noodles and Co. in TD Centre Financial District

Mexico tacos at La Carnita John St.

Poland Cafe Polonez cabbage roll, pierogis and potato latkes.


Fun Friday Favourites

Weekend Cooking hosted by

Beth hosts Weekend Cooking where you can post anything food related.


  1. Bummer on the Polish meal. The presentation does indeed look uninspiring. Colborne Lodge looks lovely, though. And thanks for more smoothie recipes! I'm digging out the blender once I get back from Chicago.

  2. I've somehow never gotten out to Colborne Lodge. I should go!

  3. Love those flowers. Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  4. That sounds like an uninspired meal all the way around from lack of taste to presentation. On the brighter side, I love the flowers!

  5. Another great week of surprises. Can't wait for the next one.

  6. Colborne Lodge sounds beautiful and I love the picture of the costumed staff member in all the flowers. It looks lovely. That's too bad about the Polish food. The presentation is definitely uninspired and it's too bad that the flavors were as well. Have a great week!


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