Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Weekend Cooking

Weekend Cooking hosted by
Badge for Travel Photo Thursday, Budget Travelers Sandbox
I'm posting over at The Budget Travelers' Sandbox 

Beth hosts Weekend Cooking where you can post anything food related.

February 2015 - Bangkok Thailand

Love markets! This was a small market located near the canal. 

I'm trying to find out what the brown and white strips are. Looks like fish but seems an odd place for it to be placed.

Boxes and boxes of dried fish.


  1. I love local markets when I travel. So many interesting sights, smells & new tastes! Happy travels.

  2. Very different from what I'm used to!

  3. Have you ever eaten the dried fish? I see that here for sale in a Vietnamese market near Denver.

  4. I love markets too -- all that food on a stick looks so good! And the pineapples are too cute.

  5. Oh wow! This looks amazing! My husband studied abroad in Bangkok for a couple months and absolutely adored it. I keep making him promise to take me back and the food there is one of the big reasons why I want to go so badly!

  6. Oh, lovely! We have some friends who live in Chiang Mai, Thailand. They are constantly posting pictures of food on Facebook and it all looks good. So, are those little pineapple juice things? And dried fish. Not sure how I feel about that. :-)

  7. Oh the pictures look fascinating. I've never been to anything like that and I'm not sure I'd even know where to look. The pineapple at the end looks so interesting and do all the fried things on sticks!

  8. Did you eat any of it? Cheers from Carole's Chatter!

  9. Such a colourful place!

    Have a great week,
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  10. I'm pretty sure that i have been to this market. The brown and white...I am pretty sure that is grilled squid. Thanks for linking up to Travel Photo Thursday. #TPThursday


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