
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wondrous Words Wednesday

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme where you can share new words that you've encountered or spotlight words you love.  Feel free to get creative!   If you want to play along, grab the button, write a post and come back and add your link to Mr. Linky!

Waiting for Sunrise - William Boyd
Shako - "He was standing in the hallway in full uniform, his sabre dragging on the floor, shako under his arm, spurred black boots with knee guards." 
Shako : a stiff military hat with a high crown and plume. Rhymes with wacko.

Forfend - "Heaven forfend, I'm sure you're not."
Forfend archaic : forbid
b : to ward off : prevent: protect, preserve
This was easy to guess at the meaning, however, I did look it up.


  1. Those are both new to me. I bet I'll be able to remember shako since it rhymes with wacko! lol

  2. Both words haven't heard of before, thanks! for sharing.

  3. Heaven forfend! LOVE it, can't wait to use it.

  4. I'm with Sim, can't wait to use this word with a new spin on forbid!

  5. I'm new to WWW - I'm loving all this amazing word power and the new book possibilities :-)
    I can hear myself using 'heaven forfend!' quite a bit - it flows nicely off the tongue.

  6. Shako and forfend were both new to me words. Excellent choices!

  7. both new though forfend is definitely easy to guess at from it's use here

  8. Both of your lovely words are new for me too. I like the sound of shako, rhyming helps too.


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