
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Weekend Cooking

Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend.You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.

May 2009 - Beijing China
When we arrived in Beijing after our long flight we were so excited that we headed to Wangfujing St which is a huge shopping area for pedestrians. You name it and you could find it there!

After having a beer we headed to the Night Market for some dinner sampling.

Wow lots of scorpions, sea horses, star fish, snails etc on sticks. We had donuts (delicious) deep fried cabbage rolls and noodles. Back to the hotel to relax and hit bed around 11PM having been up for 30 hours (not a record)!


  1. Wow! Great photos! It is interesting what other people eat. I wonder whether I would have been brave enough to sample some of the 'crunchy' stuff - LOL!

  2. did you try eating all those?if so,you're brave! :)

  3. Wangfujing's night market is a sight to behold indeed. I've tried those scorpions hahaha! Crunchy yes... but no taste at all.

  4. wow! those foods are exotic, did you try it? I miss the open market :-( Dropping by from Food Trip Friday

  5. wow, you're so adventurous! how does it taste? i am not sure if i can eat those but they have foods like that here in bangkok, guess what, i not tried any yet! hehehe! visiting late from FTF, hope to see you around. thanks and have a great week. :)

  6. I'm usually not too squeamish about food, but scorpions? I'd be sure I got one with loads of venom and wouldn't be able to relax! What a market! I love the photos.

  7. No scorpions or other strange stuff for me - I am what we call a piker or a wuss about that stuff! Cheers

  8. These are terrific photos- thanks for taking us along on your journey.

  9. Oh my...I will stick with the noodles.
    And beer.

  10. Oh my, this looks like such an interesting place! However, I'm not sure I would be brave enough to try the... delicacies.


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