
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Signs 2

Joining Tom at Signs2.
Wordless Wednesday Wordless Be There 2day
Gay NYC Dad

Continuing with pit stops...
a stop (as during a trip) for fuel, food, or rest or for use of a restroom.

Toronto ON
We won't be able to see the blooms this year, click here to see the rhodos and here
Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens


  1. I love the garden photos from 2017.

  2. ...Ur-In-Luck, I love it! Clever plays on words are great and this one sure is. Thanks Jackie, take care.

  3. Thank you for the laugh this morning. We can all use a good laugh. Perhaps the name is too appropriate.

  4. hahahaha This is a really welcome sign when ya REALLY gotta go! LOL Thanks for sharing. Stay healthy. Stay Safe. STAY HOME! Have a good day my friend.


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