
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Menu Plan Update - Week 10

SUNDAY  Mazatlan 
 Lunch - poolside club sandwich
Dinner - Fat Fish - best ribs!!

MONDAY Mazatlan
Dinner - spaghetti 

TUESDAY in transit Alaska Air to LA
Lunch - grabbed a burger at Mazatlan airport
Dinner - Caesar salad and curry chicken - a story in itself about terrible service

WEDNESDAY LA to Las Vegas drive
Lunch - we had the breakfast buffet at the hotel so we skipped lunch
Dinner -  ordered pizza in Las Vegas

Lunch - leftover pizza
Dinner – ordered wings and philly cheese steak

FRIDAY drive to Sedona
Lunch -  hot dogs at Dairy Queen
Dinner - cheeses and bread

SATURDAY lazy day after our horrendous drive yesterday. Just went out for groceries in cottonwood.
Lunch - cheese and crackers
Dinner -   NEW crab legs in garlic sauce baked in the oven and salad

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