
Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday Mural

I'm linking up at Monday Mural 

January 2020 - Toronto ON

Lakeshore Blvd West and TENTH Street
This project was funded by The City of Toronto and administered by Lakeshore Village BIA.
This mural depicts the respectful cohabitation of industry and nature required as the Lakeshore village expansion moves to the future.

Completed: July 2019
Artist: Don Short

Artist: Gordon S. Roy


  1. These murals are stunning! The brick on the top part of the first photo gives the mural a lovely texture.
    Thanks for contributing Jackie.

  2. Calming murals -- looks like they want everyone to feel peace and tranquility. Nice photos.

    best... mae at

  3. ...Jackie, I have a very strange internet connection and often have difficulty opening your blog, will try my best to link your posts. Tried last night with your Foto Tunes ans wasn't successful. I love the seasons on this mural.

  4. These are lovely murals. I like how you found so many and together, too. The real snow in the photo looks like it fits better with the winter mural than the summer ones. The lone mural is beautiful, but when I first saw it, I thought that was smoke coming out of a factory. Sorry, I have a huge imagination, I guess. These are absolutely stunning.

  5. These are great. That is not an area that I have been out to in a long time so it is nice to see them. We used to go to the Casa Mendoza (I think that was the name) for Sunday treats and to look out at the lake but that whole area is gone now.


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