
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Friday Finds

1. Starts with B

2. Week's Favorite

3. Creature

The first two will be the same, except we’ll work our way through the alphabet. The second can be a favorite image or activity from the week. The third will be different each time.

Friday Finds   ABC Wednesday

Letter B - I'm going to try to find cities/towns we've visited as the theme.
I will keep a running list at the bottom of the Friday post.

We stopped in Bratislava Slovakia on a river cruise in 2012.  Click here for lots more photos from our day.

Week's Favourite - John picked this. San Antonio this week.

Creature - caught this guy along the River Walk in San Antonio.

  1. Alice Springs, Australia
  2. Bratislava, Slovakia


  1. Your favorite looks like you are in a foreign country, Texas? Love the River Walk!

  2. I am glad you are liking the River Walk. We like it too but haven't been for quite some time. Mrs. Jim and I honeymooned there, with our hotel being on the river. Of course we've been several times since that. I'm using something from our latest cruise also on mine but won't guarantee every time. Also been to Slovakia but don't remember Bratislava.

  3. Must have been to Bratislava as we came to Vienna from Slovakia. Sorry, I just don't remember that town, it was in the year 2000 when we did an Eastern Europe bus tour. That started in Berlin and ended in Oberammergau for the Passion Play.

  4. Love the cormorant! Great shot. I have never been to Bratislava but it looks similar to Prague in some ways.

  5. I am impressed with your travels. Love the image of you two. It is a great creature. Thanks so much for joining Friday's Hunt. Have a great week!

  6. lovely choise for b, for the whole alphabet, I will let you suprise me at every letter with the place you take me to travel to

    Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)

  7. I have a friend who went to Brataslava some years ago - LOVED it!

  8. I've never done a river cruise. Lucky you! Pretty town. Love that John's favourite was that happy photo of the two of you. Love Cormorants. Watch them all the time here (Vancouver, BC) - great photograph!

  9. Hey the pictures are real nice

    There is a "Letter Writing Challenge" starting from the 30th of January. It would be amazing if you could participate.
    Here is the link for it, if it interests you


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