
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Friday Photo Finds

1. Starts with Y
2. Week's Favorite
3. In my shoes

The first two will be the same, except we’ll work our way through the alphabet. The second can be a favorite image or activity from the week. The third will be different each time.

Friday Finds and Photo Friday.

June 2016 - Toronto ON

Starts with Y Toronto's Pearson International Airport is known as YYZ. All airports around the world (with a few exceptions) have a three-letter code determined by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Under this system, major Canadian airports begin with a Y, although there are a few other airports around the world that also start with a Y (such as YUM for Yuma International Airport).

 This library was found within the 401 Richmond building that is home to over 140 artists, cultural producers, microenterprises, galleries, festivals, and shops. The building is a thriving arts hub that is open to the public.

Week's Favourite - has to be this Sunday morning shot of our City Hall.

In My Shoes - I seem to have a fetish for taking shoe photos. here's a few from around Toronto.

Toronto even has a shoe museum The Bata Shoe Museum .

My shoes

 Doggie shoes

Shoe shopping

Mugging about


  1. Fascinating information for the letter Y. I can see why your city hall is the week's favorite. Lovely shot. I had to smile at the assortment of shoes. Very fun! Thank you so much for joining Friday's Hunt. Have a great week ahead!

  2. My first time visit and smiling to learn you are from Toronto. I'm live in Alberta.

    Great photos! Brenda

  3. lovely way of using this weeks letter, well done!

    Have a nice abcwednes-day / – week
    ♫ M e l d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  4. What a strange alphabetic designation!



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