Tuesday, June 28, 2022

News That Made Me Shake My Head

 June 2022 - Toronto ON

Or things that make me cry/angry ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ 

So the undistinguished a$$hole relected premier of Ontario has announced his "new" cabinet.

Who is his Minister of Diversity? His 28 year old male, white, Anglo nephew, Michael.

Ford’s nephew was given a portfolio including citizenship and multiculturalism. Clearly because he represents Ontario’s diversity and knows what it takes to attain citizenship.

And where were they for the Pride parade? At the cottage, as usual.

Chrystia Freeland was there, she is a Canadian politician and member of the Liberal Party, current deputy prime minister of Canada and the minister of finance.
Trudeau has marched in previous years.

John Tory, mayor of Toronto was there.


  1. Brazen nepotism. He's so Trumpish it hurts. And looks like a clone of a nephew. Jackie, some days I despair looking for my handbasket.

  2. Boofhead appoints boofhead. They know no shame.

  3. Mikey Ford, the ultimate example of nepotism.

  4. I blame Ontario voters. What were they thinking?

    1. I do too, no idea how that kind of thought process works.


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