
Saturday, November 2, 2019

Morning Coffee

October 2019 - Toronto ON

Dundas West Toronto

This was a very quiet week for excursions. We had rainy days from Wednesday to Friday with very strong winds on Thursday night and temperatures that dipped to single digits (Celsius).

Saturday we went to get a chair for our sitting area, we had one in mind, but settled on another one that works perfectly.

Then we both settled in to relax.

Sunday I had promised John his own pumpkin cheesecake squares.

OMG these 3-ingredient gluten free lemon cookies are incredible.

Then I met a friend and we exchanged some baked goodies. She had made sweet potato brownies (GF) from a recipe I had given her.

Monday I headed to Spadina to return something for a friend. A gorgeous day as I walked along Dundas to get a manicure/pedicure.

I wrote about this house and its history a few weeks ago. It is now the Italian Embassy at the corner of Dundas W and Beverley.

A different angle to the AGO.

The block across from the AGO, Art Gallery of Ontario, is an outdoor gallery itself.

Click here to see some more art along here.

You can see this building in the reflection above.

From the bus.

Monday was so gorgeous and the forecast was even better for Tuesday! BUT this is what I saw when I opened the shutters!

My GF and I headed to the Danforth for our outing. We both loved this table in a shop called Inspire (photo taken in 2018).

Intrigued by this construction site, we turned up Dewhurst to check it out. All the years we lived in this neighbourhood and I had never noticed this building. 
We contemplated what it may have been, obviously of historic value, the facade is being saved.

Originally built in 1925, this heritage building housed the Temple Baptist Church until the parish relocated and the building was sold in 2013. After standing empty for a few years, the building was bought by Grid Developments and will become the Sunday School Lofts!

Back on Danforth, our old Chinese food delivery spot is still there.

Glad to see the used bookstores are still there.

We had lunch at Factory Girl, a gastropub. Decent, not great food. The ahi tuna was good but served on a bed of creamy coleslaw rendered it milky and wet. Some seasoning, onions, cilantro and lime would have greatly enhanced this.

While in Greektown, as the Danforth is called, I wanted ground lamb to make meatballs for dinner. I couldn't find any so I picked up these gluten free lamb sausages. I'm glad I picked up two packages as they were really good with tzatziki.

However, I was not pleased with the flatbread recipe I used.

I picked up the plant for $2.99 at Kitchen Table and then got the mug at Inspire yesterday.

Wednesday I met a friend for coffee and saw these Halloween inspired pastries while I waited for her.

Once home I made a new cranberry cream cheese loaf. I omitted the nuts and am not sure what purpose there was in mixing the cream cheese filling with an egg.

Thursday, Halloween, was a rainy windy day. But we made a run to get more black sausage and English bacon at A Bit of Home.

Then we went to Ikea to get some houseplants, by far the best price.

John settled in with popcorn, coke and rented a Marvel movie.

Friday's sunrise was not as cloudy as forecasted.

 I ran some errands and on the way home I saw an  amazing sight.
When I got upstairs I was curious if I could still see it.
Can you see the police car in the middle with the flashing sign for drivers to move over? He is driving ever so slowly along the expressway protecting a Canada geese who somehow got onto the highway. He kept this up until I couldn't see him anymore. I've no idea how he planned on getting it off safely!

I potted some new plants in their new pots. Then started a new pot with babies from the above snake plant.

This corner is in progress, we need to get a bench of some sort for seating.

It's been a "hygge" kind of week, as the colder weather moves in, getting contented and comfortable at home.


I had another great read, definitely on a roll, three in a row!
Stone Mothers was an interesting learning experience about the mental institutions of the 1950s blended in with a riveting story line.

Day of the Dead by Nikki French, was also good but not as good as my previous three reads.

Beth hosts Weekend Cooking where you can post anything food related.
Sunday Salon
Say Cheese
Monday Walks
Monday Morning Blog Club


  1. I love your new chair -- it really seems at home in its new place. And I also love all your greenery, so nice to have living things indoors during the winter.

    I'm going to check out those lemon cookies; I don't do much GF baking, but I love anything lemon.

    And YAY for geese patrol. I hope the bird made it safely off the highway.

  2. The Italian consulate is quite to my liking.

  3. I'm always happy to see used bookstores are still there!

    What a cool idea to make lofts from the old church. I often wonder what will become of old churches, with all the new ones out there.

    Ah, look at those Halloween treats. So fun!

    Have a great week!

  4. Hi Jackie,
    I love your new chair and the rest of your decor that I could see in the photo- Thanks for the tip about the value of the plants at IKEA- I need to get some plants for our condo !

  5. I hope the geese made it ok, that's so very nice of your law enforcement.
    Yum to anything lemon!

    The Italian embassy is very pretty.

  6. Good to see that building being put to work. I'm all for renovation and reuse, Jackie. And food, of course :) :)


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