Saturday, March 11, 2017

inSPIREd Sunday

July 2016 - Rochester NY

Community of the Savior - South Presbyterian Church

I found this information at their website.

Mindful that as “church” we are the community of believers and not a building that houses us, South Presbyterian Church is a “movable feast” expressing our Christian faith in the Reformed Tradition.* As we embrace the next phase of our congregational life, having sold our building and discerned the changing nature of our call to be a people of God in the city of Rochester, we seek to manifest the ancient watchwords of our faith:
ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda (the church reformed, always reforming).


  1. ...when I was a teenager, this was our family church.

  2. One wonders what'll become of the building.

  3. I wonder who bought the church and for what?

  4. Oh, how interesting architecture.
    How many in this building order and peace.
    Nice and good Sunday.

  5. Similar to churches seen in Sydney.

  6. Very interesting architecture. It is a very successful combination of modern and traditional architectural styles


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