
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wondrous Words Wednesday

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme where we share new (to us) words that we’ve encountered in our reading and is hosted by Bermuda Onion.

Photo (by my Blackberry camera) taken at Easter brunch at Le Select Bistro . You can almost taste the lemonlyness (I know not a word)!
I love the atmosphere here, it reminds me of Paris. Not such a big fan of their menu though for an early brunch.

I was reading the Globe and Mail restaurant review section and the columnist stated she adores kvelling over good food. Well that lead me once again to the dictionary.

Main Entry: kvell
Pronunciation: \ˈkvel\
Function: intransitive verb

Etymology: Yiddish kveln to be delighted, from Middle High German quellen to well, gush, swell
Date: circa 1952
: to be extraordinarily proud : rejoice


  1. I used to visit Le Select at its funky old Queen St. location but haven't been there in years. I'll pop in next time I'm in Toronto.
    I only use my Blackberry for emails and the odd phone call. I can't believe you captured such a great photo with yours!

  2. I am now so hungry that looks to die for!!!

    I was talking to dd and she was saying all you guys got was rain, still looks like winter today, hoping it will melt a lot today,


  3. Had to add again, that looks sooooo good........

  4. I would kvell over the meal you've pictured there!

  5. That looks SOOO good! And, a nice new word for dessert ;)

  6. Hi Jake, Thank you so much for your kind comment on my anniversary PS post. This is belated but I have many comments to respond to with delight. We had a lovely celebration.

    Yum is all I can say to your post today. It is almost wordless. HA!
    Wishing you sunny days.
    xo, Jeanne

  7. That looks really good, enjoyed looking at it.

  8. Hi Jackie/Jake
    I agree, that picture makes me kvell. LOVE that word although it is not a new one to me. Also I could never take such a great snap with my old blackberry, part of the reason I moved over to the iphone. Excellent work.

  9. I agree with those above who have said they could never have captured such a great shot from their BBs. I just traded mine for the iPhone :)


  10. Lemonlyness should be a word, especially for that dessert. Kvell is a great word, new to me!

  11. I always order the lemon dessert too.... Kvell is new for me, and I like it.


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