
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

T for Tuesday

 T Stands For is hosted by Elizabeth and Bleubeard

August 2022 - Toronto ON

I have been sampling different ciders lately. 

This one by Lost Craft is the winner so far. I was stunned as I poured it as it is the colour of red wine.$10.50 at the restaurant (lunch with a friend) and $3.40 at the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario)!

John finally tried one he had bought when we were in Georgian Bay in May!

Tried in Montreal.

Not tried, but took pictures of cans.

Menu at the Loose Moose a few weeks ago.


  1. You are on a tasting spree. I'm too conservative, I stick to my coffee, and here and there an alcohol free white berr. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  2. I love those can designs. I'd be buying based on that alone lol Happy T Tuesday!

  3. Wow some nice bottles and cans. I use to collect both but they take up too much room. Have a lovely day today.

  4. There are some really cool beer/cider bottles out there. They do make it tempting to try what's in them. I like a slightly tart cider, no matter what fruit it is made from. Hope you'er having a wonderful T day Jackie. Hugs-Erika

  5. The cans look great, very imaginative designs.

  6. I tried a new (to me) ginger beer that's canned in Asheville (our nearby brewing city) I don't remember the name, but it was good, a bit lighter than Reed's ginger beer which is my all time favorite...with 3 different levels of gingerness! Good to see what else is out there getting tasted. Incidentally ginger beer is not alcoholic.

  7. You really find the most interesting cans. All a work of art!
    Happy Tea Day,

  8. I had to laugh at how a restaurant can raise the price of alcohol so you can feel important when you drink it. I love the bottle of Apple Cider Rose, even if I wouldn't drink it.

    The cans of beer are so cleverly done. I think I would shy away from the octopus, though! Thanks for sharing these ciders and beers with us for a good laugh and for T this Tuesday, dear Jackie.

  9. So fun! I would try them all! Love the cans. Super cool post, Jackie! Happy T-day and hugz

  10. It amazing what they have for drinks these days.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  11. Fun graphics on the cans. I like the pun Hops and Robbers. Happy T Day


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