
Friday, November 9, 2018

Pull Up a Seat

Pull Up a Seat

Toronto ON

The "Endless Bench" can be found at Sick Kids Hospital on University Ave.

*Donated by artist Lea Vivot to the Hospital for Sick Children in memory of her son Morris in appreciation for the excellent care received by him and countless others from the hospital staff.
May our children play in peace.
Engraved on the bench are 476 messages of love, hope, and inspiration contributed to the artist by members of the cultural, scientific, political, and other walks of life from all over the world.

*Text from "Outdoor Art in Toronto"

There are two words for peace in Irish:

síocháin, meaning "peace" as in the opposite of "war"; and

suaimhneas, meaning "peace" as in "tranquility, ease of spirit".


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