
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Monday Mural

I'm linking up at Monday Mural hosted by Oakland Daily Photo.

September 2016 - Kalamazoo MI

At night you hear the wailing
of the Saxophone Man
Triumphant, low, longing
Each note trembling
Hanging from the awning
of the old coffee shop
But the downtown corner
is empty now, Lord knows
what became of the man
But if you close your eyes       and listen
Sweet, sweet music                  spills onto the street
Triumphant,                              kow longing
      At night you'll hear the wailing
          of the Saxophone Man

                                                      Saxophone Man
                                                      Grace Arnold


  1. Kalamazoo is a fun place. I've spent quite a bit of time there! Never seen this mural though. Nice one!

  2. Sort of Edward Hopper-ish without the sadness. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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