
Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I received an email from a site,  where I often buy used books from, especially if I can not get
them in Canada.

BiblioWorks promotes education and literacy in communities in need. According to their site they state "we believe that healthy communities require healthy minds. That's why we have been building libraries, supplying books and training librarians in the poorest communities of Bolivia since 2005".
Gone is now selling t-shirts  with a portion of the proceeds going to BiblioWorks.
Gone Reading Men's T-shirtChill Out and Read T-shirt
Take Me To Your Reader T-shirtParadise Found T-shirt

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that you guys had been doing that work! How great is that!!

    You guys really are interesting people - wish you lived around here :)

    The shirts are cool - I will order one next family b-day that comes up! Cute shirts too :)


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