
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

London Day 2

Tanya: enjoyed today more than yesterday because we were more in control and knew where we were going.
Karen: Oh we walked a lot! Thinks she can easily do the Resolution Walk on New Year’s Eve.
Jackie: The weather was spectacular for walking!

Karen spotted the Queen’s Guards and we were able to view the entire Changing of the Guards at the original gateway to the Royal Palaces.. The horses, guards,, costumes and pomp and ceremony were magnificent. Tanya video-taped it for us.
Walked from Trafalgar Square to Whitehall where we passed 10 Downing St after watching the Guards.
Then we walked around House of Parliament taking astonishing pictures. Parliament had just resumed yesterday after 86 days of paid holidays so it was bustling. Security Helicopters were flying overhead.
Then it was time for a beer at The Red Lion and sat enjoying the sun.
From there it was off to Westminster Abbey where the chimes were ringing the entire time. The 15 pound entrance fee almost stopped us from entering, however sanity prevailed and we entered. We received our touring headsets and were just mesmerized by everything we saw. Tanya’s main highlight was D.H. Lawrence’s tombstone!!
All agreed that it was totally worthwhile.
We then strolled along the Thames trying to find a taxi to take us to St. Paul’s, but we were feeling a little puckish and happened upon Sherlock Homes’ pub. We had lunch and decided to grab a taxi to Covent Gardens and Leicester Square. It happened we were only 2 blocks to Trafalgar Square and from there we walked to Covent Gardens. We then went and bought discount tickets for Wicked. Wanted to grab a taxi but the driver said our hotel was just down the street. Well after a 30 minute walk we finally got back in time to change and head out for the theatre. Got a cab and found out that the Apollo Victoria Theatre was way behind Buckingham Palace! We entered up stuck in traffic and barely made it to our seats in time!

1 comment:

  1. well hello there ladies in london! the trip is sounding awsome! We're so jealous over here in Burlington. Mom I hope that you have a picture (or many) of you having a beer in a pub! We're missing you, but hope your having fun! Can't wait to see all the photos to make us even more jealous of the fabulous trip. Love you momma!

    Ps. the dogs are doing ok, they stay away from each other most of the day!


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