
Monday, September 8, 2014

Vega TX

November 2012 - Vega TX

A.M. Miller and Howard Trigg surveyed the town site that eventually became Vega in May 1903. The name Vega, which is Spanish for "meadow," was chosen because it reflected the vast prairie and surrounding countryside of the area. Soon after, Miller opened a store, and a post office, saloon, and a school that doubled as a Masonic Lodge were built in the community. In 1907, ranchers Patrick and John Landergin purchased a part of the LS Ranch from Swift & Company. Working in association with the Amarillo-based Pool Land Company, the Landergin brothers brought more prospective settlers to the community. The following year, they established a bank in Vega. When the railroad was completed, Vega began to thrive. There were several stores, a blacksmith, two churches, and a newspaper – the Vega Sentinel – operating in the community by early 1909.

Built in the 1920s, the Magnolia Service Station served gasoline to Route 66 travelers and the community of
Vega, Texas for decades. The building was constructed with two stories to allow the station’s operator to live in the upstairs quarters.

Locals fondly remember getting their haircut in the building when it also provided
barber services in later years.

Ervin Pancoast constructed the Vega Motel (originally Vega Court) on Route 66 in 1947 at the dawn of an era of unparalleled prosperity in the United States and Texas, a time when leisure and travel became a booming industry. The motel had west and south wings, which contained 12 units. Aware of the importance of automobiles to travelers, Mr. Pancoast incorporated garages into his motel design, and pairs of garages alternated with pairs of motel units in each wing. At the same time, he also constructed a small house in the center courtyard that served as an office and personal living quarters. Mr. Pancoast married the following year, and the couple lived on the property, which became their life’s work.

Business was good for the young couple, as traffic along Route 66 through Vega remained busy over the following decades. In 1953, the Pancoasts added an east wing containing eight units with built-in garages. All of the new units had bathrooms and some had kitchenettes. Like many motels of the mid-20th century, the Vega Motel was modernized in 1964 with a new exterior of Perma-Stone.

 I couldn't find any information on the Roadrunner Drive-In which is located across the street from the Vega Motel.


  1. Built in garages seems a bit unusual for a motel.

  2. So cool...did your trip ever end? Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. i so remember, as a child, the motels with the garages between each room...they were called tourist courts back then.

  4. I love these trips! What a great route.

  5. Another fun trip down Route 66. I really like the mural on the side of the building. Love the name Crazy Horse Boutique. I want to shop there. The Magnolia Gasoline sign is beautiful! I am enjoying these posts! Thank you for sharing your trip down Route 66. Can't wait for more!


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