Saturday, February 27, 2016

inSPIREd Sunday - Puerto Vallarta

February 2016 - Puerto Vallarta Mexico

Unlike the other places we've been in Mexico this winter PV doesn't have a church on every corner. I was excited to see Our Lady of Guadalupe again after 22 years. The last time was in my pre-church obsessed days.

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe is a city icon, it dominates Vallarta's downtown skyline and is one of the favorite symbols and landmarks of the city, both in photos, shirts, logos and postcards.

A nun, selling her wares and crocheting.


  1. I love seeing churches...the ones in other countries are usually gorgeous, with amazing architecture. Even here, there are many stunning edifices, and they make for beautiful scenes. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. just gorgeous, i really feel these other countries really do up their churches, unlike us in the US, i am kind of jealous, but in a good way. i don't know how you ever pay attention, i would be checking out all those amazing details. ( :


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