Friday, September 20, 2024

Tuesday Treasures

 Tom the backroads traveller hosts this weekly meme.


September 2024 - Toronto ON
Click here for a history of Toronto lane naming and a list of other lanes. That post is a work in progress, and hasn't been updated in a while.
I found this lane when I was looking for Cabano's!

These cottages are actually on St. Nicholas St.
A very rare example of a surviving Victorian terraced row of ten residences located in Toronto's downtown core, 45-63 St. Nicholas Street is unique to say the least. It sits just several hundred metres from Young and Bloor yet feels like a quaint neighbourhood block. St. Nicholas Street was in fact originally an alley lane before the row was constructed in 1884. Each Bay-and-Gable "cottage" is named after a local flower, tree, or plant, as indicated by inscriptions on the buildings' façades.

Oak Cottage and Elm Cottage

Ivy Cottage - happens to be for sale for $1.9 million.

Rose Cottage

Hazel Cottage

Spruce, Birch, Beech Cottages

Maple Cottage

Ash Cottage

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