Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hero Tea

  Linking up with Marg at The Intrepid Reader

September 2024

Yonge St. Toronto

Saturday's fog didn't break up until 4 PM.

I made apple fritters for Sunday breakfast - epic fail as I used that new flour Arva, I threw it away and will donate the other packs to the food bank. I cleaned up some plants, they are not happy right now. Sorted out my spice drawer and made a list of needed items. 

The usual geniuses were out on the roads on the weekend.

We waited for the plumber on Monday and then he messaged that he had truck problems so the saga continues.

Tuesday I took John to my burger place I tried last week, Cabano's and he was impressed. He had the Cabano, which was two meat patties with deep fried jalapenos and the regular other toppings.
We also had an order of fries that were delicious.

We stopped by our old pizza place and found the hoardings had been removed. I wrote about this new condo that was preserving the other building earlier this summer. I also included some photos of what it used to look like.

Then we dropped into a couple of Winner's and he got some golf shorts shirts (thanks, Andrew!). We also checked out the new Winner's in the Eaton Centre.

Wednesday John had his usual golf. I went to College Park intending to get some items at the $ store, but they didn't have any of the things I needed. I will try another one this week.

Thursday we did a quick run to the Market. Along the way we found another Monday mural and didn't find another one I had on my list.

We picked up some steaks and hamburger at our usual place where as seniors, on Thursday, we get a 20% discount!!!
We picked up fruit and vegetables at our usual as well.

Friday John headed out to golf but texted me at 10 that he was coming home as there was a tournament (would have made for a long round) and there weren't any carts and it was a hot humid day. He booked the golf simulator instead.

I headed to Dundas to try the $ store there for the items I wanted. 

FOILED, again, there had been a fire in the $ store!! 

Since I had time to kill I took a walk around TMU (Toronto Metropolitan University formerly known as  Ryerson).  Click here for some more TMU information.

Mural by Lula Lumaj

 First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Toronto

St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church (formerly Holy Blossom Synagogue)

I dropped into the Atrium for some vegetables and then got off the subway at King (found some new murals), picked up chocolate and poked in the bookstore before coming home.


Saturday stuffed flank steak(Metro $14 New Zealand), roast potatoes and mashed cauliflower and carrots.
Sunday last night's leftovers with onion gravy (awful)
Monday honey garlic pork tenderloin (Metro $5) mashed
Tuesday fried (leftover) potatoes and eggs
Thursday burgers and potato chips
Friday steak (market rib eye - delicious) frites and tomatoes. Leftover steak so good for lunch!


I'm continuing with Animal Kingdom, I am totally engaged.

Quicksand (Swedish: Störst av allt) is a Swedish psychology-crime drama television series, based on the 2016 novel of the same name by Malin Persson Giolito.
A school shooting takes place at Djursholm senior high school. At the age of 18, Maja Norberg is arrested and suspected of murder, while her ex-boyfriend, Sebastian "Sibbe" Fagerman, is dead at the scene. Maja admits the murder at an early stage but denies the crime – the trial is rather about why the murder was committed than whether it was committed.

Industry we were going to watch season 3 but decided we didn't really remember it all so went back to season 1 and will binge watch.
Industry is a British television drama series that premiered in 2020. Young bankers and traders make their way in the financial world in the aftermath of the 2008 collapse.


Love Me Not I like the Helen Grace murder series. This one takes place over 24 hours so it is a fast paced read, easily predicable but fun.

Two Dead Wives had a surprise twist to it that I enjoyed. I did not like her husband Mark at all and thought that Daan's reaction with the boys was a bit weird.

One for Sorrow (does anyone know the rhyme?) is was having trouble grabbing my attention. UPDATE attention totally grabbed!!!! Even suggested it to John. What an ending!

"One for Sorrow" is a traditional children's nursery rhyme about magpies. According to an old superstition, the number of magpies seen tells if one will have bad or good luck.

There is considerable variation in the lyrics used. A common modern version is:
One for sorrow,
Two for joy,
Three for a girl,
Four for a boy,
Five for silver,
Six for gold,
Seven for a secret never to be told.

A longer version of the rhyme recorded in Lancashire continues:
Eight for a wish,
Nine for a kiss,
Ten a surprise you should be careful not to miss,
Eleven for health,
Twelve for wealth,
Thirteen beware it's the devil himself.


  1. Wow on the fog!
    On your whole week - it sounds great! I can´t wait for retirement. In say... 15 years, if I am lucky...
    I have firefighters today, too, btw! But different.
    Absolutely love that rhyme - have a great Sunday.

    1. We get crazy fog being next to Lake Ontario! Take your retirement as soon as you can!

  2. Apple fritters sound interesting.
    My eyes are rolling in my head at thinking about what golf shorts look like.

    1. OOPS, thanks Andrew, I was wondering why you mentioned shorts and realized I had a typo and meant shirts!!
      BTW golf shorts are meant to be at the knee for men on a proper golf course.

  3. Mmm...Hamburgers with jalapenos are my favorites!

    I hate it, but I am definitely a member of the grammar police. It's a lucky thing for young people that they cannot be arrested by me for their poor grammar skills.

  4. "Clean Eating, Dirty Drinking", that's hilarious.

    WOW, that's a thick fog!

    It's very frustrating when a repair company can't get you in an emergency. Especially when it involves plumbing issues. I hope they get it fixed soon.

    My daughter and I are going to Lake Placid, Florida in November to see all the Murals there.

    My kids call me the Spelling Police :)

    I hope you have a great week!


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