I had never heard of Flat Stanley (but then I don't have kids in elementary school!) until I was reading Cat Patches post Flat Stanley. BTW when you pop over there be sure to vote for her quilt.
As Cat Patches says Zachary, who claims to be a co-worker over at I Have a Notion, has requested help with a reading homework assignment. He's asked us to print out a picture of his friend, Flat Stanley, and take him some place interesting near by. Then we're supposed to take a picture of Flat Stanley and email it back to Zachary's mom along with a little narrative about Flat Stanley's travels. If you want to help Zachary out, you have until May 15th to do so.
After reading all this I had to google Flat Stanley and lo and behold he has his own website!
The site states "The basic principle of The Flat Stanley Project is to connect your child, student or classroom with other children or classrooms participating in the Project by sending out "flat" visitors, created by the children, through the mail (or digitally, with The Flat Stanley app). Kids then talk about, track, and write about their flat character's journey and adventures. Although similar to a pen-pal activity, Flat Stanley is actually much more enriching-students don't have to wonder where to begin or what to write about. The sender and the recipient already have a mutual friend, Flat Stanley. Writing and learning becomes easier, flows naturally, and tends to be more creative. This is what teachers call an "authentic" literacy project, in that kids are inspired to write of their own passion and excitement about the project, and given the freedom to write about many things through the rubric of the Flat Stanley character."
So I have printed Flat Stanley and he will be coming on our trip to Copenhagen and then on our Danube river cruise.
Sounds like an interesting activity to get kids to connect and communicate.