
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Toronto Thursday

It's been three weeks of not working so what have I been up to?
A trip to NYC.

Birthday drinks with friends.

Sunday lunch with another friend and some shopping.

More shopping with DH - lots of clothes items on sale and a new rug for from hall to go with new painting and door.

Dinner at the Underdown Pub with family.

Some gardening

 House painting

 Some photography

 Attend surprise birthday party - made her a video
 New purchase for front porch - water feature
 Rearrange everything now that painting is finished. this entailed a LOT of cleaning!

 Birthday presents from a dear friend and family

 Present from my DH while in NYC
New camera for DH

 Decluttering while putting house back in order
 Lunch out with a friend

 Garden shopping with a friend - which meant having to plant said purchases

 Lunch with another friend - Photo sources

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