Monday, March 24, 2025

Monday Mural

  I'm linking up at Monday Mural 

January 2025 - Indio CA

From this week in Palm Springs.

Artist Zachary Fleming-Boyle

Moving Towards the Future
Artist: David Ocelotl Garcia

14-foot by 62-foot acrylic polymer mural; The mural depicts Indio's past, present, and bright future, while reflecting the city's rich heritage through vibrant colors used on the mural.

Indio Mural # 15
Artist: Adam Valentin Villanueva
According to the artist, the best part of the experience when driving from Los Angeles to Indio is the captivating scene created by the cacti, stars, and distant mountains. When asked to undertake the project, the artist envisioned Indio as if entering a dreamlike scenario, complete with colorful stars, vibrant mountains, flowers, and cacti.

Agriculture in Indio and the Coachella Valley
Artist: Jim Fahnestock

18-foot by 95-foot oil paint mural; 2002. The mural depicts how the desert was  transformed into lush fields and gardens and recognizes the farmworkers who feed the nation and world. 

Damn, she slowly drove up and parked just as I was about to take this photo.

Old Indio
Artist: Bijan Masoumpanah
The mural features workers of the Southern Pacific Railroad when the depot opened at Indian Wells (now Indio) in 1876. The town experienced addition growth when U. S. Route 99 – The Main Street of California – was constructed in the 1920s as part of its 1,600 mile connection between the Mexican and Canadian boarders.

Practical Galactical

Happy Alley

Gabino’s Creperie Mural

The Dr. Carreon Foundation is dedicated to helping Mexican-American students in the Coachella Valley and Blythe, California accomplish their dreams of a higher education through scholarships and leadership opportunities. The late valley pioneer and philanthropist Reynaldo J. Carreon M.D. founded the organization in 1991. Dr. Carreon Boulevard, Dr. Carreon Park and the Dr. Reynaldo J. Carreon Jr. Academy in Indio are named in his honor.


  1. Fantastic collection of murals Jackie. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals. Love your new banner. Go Canada!! Enjoy your trip to Portugal. Hope the weather is better than the non-stop rain I got. We even had a storm the day before my flight back home, with winds of 170km that toppled a lot of trees.

  2. Very nice collection. Sad the lady had to park exactly there..

  3. Happy Alley looks very happy.


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