Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Vancouver BC 1991

Vancouver BC

When we first moved (transferred) to Toronto in 1991, John was working with Bank of Montreal rolling out debit machines to merchants across the country. He had a sales force from east to west which meant he travelled two weeks a month (yeah for frequent flyer points!!). 
He decided I should fly out to Vancouver for the weekend in August 1991. I left Toronto on a beautiful Friday sunny day in late summer. 
John rented a convertible and picked me up in the pouring rain. We were staying at the Pan Pacific in downtown Vancouver and John had raved about the view...of the Rockies.

Pre-digital photos.

And it rained. We were getting weather warnings about landslides on the drive to Whistler, but we went.

We stayed at the Chateau Whistler Resort at the base of Blackcomb Mountain.

We got better weather when we came back to Vancouver.

Stanley Park

Oh, wait, the umbrellas are out again.

 What led to this walk down Memory Lane? I found a hard copy of this photo and John and I spent hours trying to figure out where it was taken. We first assumed Ireland, then the rest of Europe. I thought maybe in was somewhere in Tennessee. We Googled that sculpture in those parts of the world, nothing. Then we both happened to Google the statue without any location and voila! Discovered it was Vancouver, right here in Canada!! The umbrella should have given us some clue!

We went around Gastown.

'Gassy' Jack Deighton is no more.
On Monday, Feb. 14, 2022, the statue was toppled as participants of the annual Memorial Women's March watched.
Deighton, considered the "founder" of Gastown, was the target of anger due to his 1870 marriage to a 12-year-old local Indigenous girl named Quahail-ya.

The Capilano Suspension Bridge is a simple suspension bridge crossing the Capilano River. The current bridge is 140 metres long and 70 metres above the river.

A trip to Granville Island.

For some reason we moved hotels.

Alas, no photos or recollections of where we dined or what we ate!

I did go back to Vancouver on business in January 1998/9 and the weather was gorgeous.

We also went to Vancouver in 2017 when we drove across the country.

Monday, February 27, 2023

T for Tuesday

 T Stands For is hosted by Elizabeth and Bleubeard

2012 Rouen France

Breakfast when we were on a Seine River boat cruise. We skipped breakfast on board and the Rouen guided tour and set out on our own.

And a few other Rouen drink related photos.

Monday Mural

 I'm linking up at Monday Mural 

February 2023 - Hamilton ON

Woman with Flowers - Part of 2022 Concrete Canvas Festival, this expansive mural is a reminder that beauty can emerge in the most unexpected places. Toronto based artist, Megan Oldhues, use of rich earth tones make the piece feel like it has lived forever among the historic red-brick buildings of Hess Street. As you get closer, you begin to see the detail behind every brushstroke that brings this young woman to life.


I thought for fun, that I would reverse post my Monday Murals - February 2013.

Spotted in old Las Vegas on Valentine's Day.

Sunday, February 26, 2023



I came across this photo and wondered what it was. I realized it was something to do with credit cards as I remember when Visa was called Chargex.

This was in my parents; book of memorabilia that I had scanned when we were downsizing. I have been cleaning up those files and decided to Google Charga-Plate. 

The Charga-Plate bookkeeping system, a precursor of the credit card issued by Charga-Plate Group, Inc. New York, was utilized from 1935 to 1950, and somewhat later.

"It was a 2 1/2" x 1 1/4" rectangle of sheet metal, similar to a military dog tag, that was embossed with the customer's name, city and state [with or in some cases without a street address]. It held a small paper card for a signature. It was laid in the imprinter first, then a charge slip on top of it, onto which an inked ribbon was pressed. Charga-Plate was a trademark of Farrington Manufacturing Co. Charga-Plates were issued by large-scale merchants to their regular customers, much like department store credit cards of today. In some cases, the plates were kept in the issuing store rather than held by customers. When an authorized user made a purchase, a clerk retrieved the plate from the store's files and then processed the purchase. Charga-Plates speeded back-office bookkeeping that was done manually in paper ledgers in each store, before computers" (Wikipedia article on Credit card, accessed 12-26-2008).