Sunday, February 9, 2025

Monday Mural

 I'm linking up at Monday Mural 

February2025 - Desert Hot Springs CA

Travis was Here

TRAV, is an American artist, best known for his dynamic, vivid, and colorful collage paintings and his monumental wall pieces. He utilizes bold patterns, unique compositions, and the juxtaposition of past and present subject matter in his works to evoke curiosity in those that come across the works bold presence. Trav's work documents technologies' role in disrupting the physical landscape through commerce.

TRAV is a native of California, who began his career painting on walls and trains up and down the west coast. He discovered his love for creating art in public spaces through graffiti starting in 1996. He produces numerous public works worldwide through a combination of techniques learned through graffiti and the formal language of commercial sign painting. Conscious of supporting the existing architecture, TRAV dramatically transforms his environments by re-creating existing objects and elements and infusing his work into the existing landscape.


  1. Wonderful, happy murals and thank you for the explanation, too. I love them all! Can´t he come over here? Our house is grey...

  2. ...Jackie, you found some beauties!

  3. Beautiful and vibrant murals. They really fit in well. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Jackie.


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