
Friday, September 10, 2021

Tuesday Treasures

 Tom the backroads traveller hosts this weekly meme.

September 2021 - Sparta ON
This is the first out of town lane post. Click here to visit the town of Sparta.

Hiram Smith Lane

Hiram Smith's Tailor Shop in Sparta was built in 1846 of small hand-made strawberry bricks and features a scooped awning veranda to help keep the rain away from the foundation of the building. It was built as a tailor shop by Hiram Burley Smith on the same site as his wooden tailor shop. He lived in the house to the west of the store until 1865 when he moved to his new home (now the residence of great granddaughter Sally Martyn, secretary of Central Elgin Heritage, and husband John). The windows are 6 over 6 double hung, which is typical of the period. The interior of the main lower room has the original floor, pressed metal ceiling and wooden counters. Hiram's brass yard stick is still imbedded in the east counter top and the wooden cash drawer is still in the west counter.


  1. ...Hiram is a name that can to found in old cemeteries here. We have a Sparta, a small town south of here. The store is lovely. Thanks Jackie for coming to the party, take care.

  2. What a charming building!
    Thanks so much for sharing at


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