
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Tuesday Treasures

   Tom the backroads traveller hosts this weekly meme.
Timeless Thursdays is hosted by Stevenson Que

February 2021 - Toronto ON

Click here for a history of Toronto lane naming and a list of other lanes. That post is a work in progress, and gets updated frequently.

Garner Lane - The street’s name commemorates local resident Hugh Garner, author of the classic novel Cabbagetown.

Sirman Lane - honours Robert Sirman, the Administrative Director of the National Ballet School, for his leadership of their new facilities campaign, Project Grand Jete, and for his immense role in making the project happen.
This one is unusual and required special approval.

The City of Toronto Street Naming Policy approved by City Council at its meeting held on August 1, 2, 3 and 4, 2000 (Clause 9, Report 15 of the Works Committee), states that “Names of living persons should be used only in exceptional circumstances”. In view of Robert Sirman’s contributions towards the National Ballet School project, this proposal could be considered an exception under the circumstances.

St. Luke Lane recognizes the name of St. Luke’s Church, a church formerly located on the site of the present 1001 Bay Street. At that time, the north/south street was not Bay Street but Chapel Street. This church stood on Bay Street until the early 1900’s when it was demolished to accommodate the construction of Bay Street. The Ontario Chrysler car dealership stood on this location for the intervening years until the construction of the 1001 Bay Street condominium tower in approximately 1988.


  1. I would be glad to be your tour guide if you wanted one! We could at least meet for coffee.

  2. You do share some real Tuesday treasures!
    Thank you so much for sharing at


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