
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Tuesday Treasures

 Tom the backroads traveller hosts this weekly meme.

Toronto ON
Click here for a history of Toronto lane naming and a list of other lanes. That post is a work in progress, and gets updated frequently.

March 2022 - Toronto ON

John found this new sign this week. The official street sign has not yet been installed.

Crow’s Beach Lane acknowledges the beach that was formerly located where the Palace Pier condo development now sits.
I'm curious about the different spelling of Crow vs Crowe.

1926 – Crowes Beach, Humber Bay City of Toronto Archives

Prior to 1927 the site was home to the Wimbleton House Hotel c. 1860s, then as Crow's Hotel 1900 and beach remained for many years after as Crow's or Crowes Beach. A life guard station was located at mouth of the Humber (built in 1920 and similar to Leuty in the Beach area) and disappeared with the construction of Palace Pier complex.

The name for the Palace Pier complex comes from an amusement pier, which was located on the site of the current towers.

This photo is from our 2020 files, the two brown buildings are Palace Pier on the left and Palace Place on the right, photo looking east towards downtown.

This month's edition of Home and Land features the buildings on the cover.


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