
Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Tuesday Treasures

 Tom the backroads traveller hosts this weekly meme.

St. Augustine FL

St. Augustine Foot Soldiers is in remembrance of the people who engaged in various forms of peaceful protest in St. Augustine in the early 1960s to advance the cause of civil rights, contributing to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The 675 lb bronze monument – designed by sculptor Brian R. Owens of Deltona, Florida – features four life-size portraits of anonymous foot soldiers placed shoulder to shoulder, in front of a relief illustrating a protest in the same Plaza where the monument is now installed. The portraits represent an approximate demographic profile of the foot soldiers: A Caucasian college student, and three African Americans: A male in his thirties, a female in her sixties and a 16-year-old female. The 7500 lb tapered cast-stone base – designed by Enzo Torcoletti of St. Augustine – includes Coquina, a naturally occurring material used in the construction of many historic structures in St. Augustine.


  1. ...I wonder when this country will come to terms with its racist past?

  2. Trump want to remove these statue and put up those who support slavery.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.


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