
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Signs 2

Wordless Wednesday Wordless Be There 2day

Arizona - Route 66 near Seligman

Reading Tom's post reminded me that I had seen signs like the ones he posted.

Read Tom's blog about these ads by Burma Shave. 

So what happened to this iconic bit of advertising? Well, Burma-Shave was bought by the American Razor Company in 1963 and the signs started to come down after that. Only one complete set of original signs remain, and those are housed in the Smithsonian.

But, you might ask, what about my photos here from State Route 66 near Seligman? Well, it's all a part of the town's carefully crafted aesthetic to recapture the magic of the mother road. Several sets of signs were set up along the highway and permission was even obtained to use some of the original Burma-Shave messages, though they are a five-sign variant instead of the usual six-sign sayings. These signs are also kind of ironic, as Arizona was one of the five states not to have Burma-Shave signs before the company was bought out.



  1. Who knows when we will retire... so far 69.

  2. 65 is when us American can get medicare. But we can start to retire at 62. But we take a cut in our pension. I'm planning to apply for my social security at 64.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. ha. neat signs. The retirement age is 65 here, don't think I'll stop working at that point though


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