
Saturday, March 26, 2022

Daily Ritual

Front St. East Toronto
Liberal-NDP deal paves way for Justin Trudeau to stay in power until 2025, at least

How do I feel about it?

It was a wet weekend. John had a physio appointment on Saturday, other than that we stayed home, warm and comfortable.

Monday morning - the waning moon.

Most of the week was cold and miserable with strong winds.
John did physio Tuesday and Thursday. 
He also took our taxes in to be done. Then I needed a form from the Canada Revenue Agency which required my list of answers to their list of security questions. Who asks "who is your favourite person in history?"!!!!

Tuesday we had our virtual Thai cooking class 5:30 to 7 so we spent time prepping everything. 
Menu was mango cucumber salad, Tom Yum soup with shrimp and Pad Thai.

Mango salad, was good, nothing to rave about.

The Joyce of Cooking was an excellent instructor. Check out her website she teaches other virtual classes.

Sadly, we both felt the Pad Thai was boring and bland.

Wednesday we went out for burgers and stocked up at the $ store.

Thursday and we woke to a dead refrigerator! We managed to get most of the perishable stuff into either the freezer or small fridge in the pantry. It's a good thing we also have a balcony, not all the units in this building do. Plus it's still cold enough for the vegetables and some jars.
Some things did get trashed, like a frozen Thai chicken gluten free dish I had just ordered last week, frozen blueberries that unfroze, ginger that went soggy, as well as some odds and ends that were lingering in the freezer. Cleaning out the fridge part and almost empty jars/bottles got dumped.
We spent the rest of the day with popcorn and movies!

Friday I went for a haircut downtown.

I took this because it featured as the bus terminal in the Oscar nominated movie Nightmare Alley that we watched this week.

Interesting, they added a new entrance at the Royal Bank building.

All these cranes are where they are demolishing the old bus terminal. New terminal in new building on right, the new CIBC headquarters. Click here to see the new bus terminal when it first opened during the pandemic.

New LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) store, I can't remember what was here before. Must be more new condos going up. When you see an LCBO and a bank open up, it is a sure sign of new construction. Royal Bank is busy renovating the building on the left.

Another location, they do some great gluten free pastries.

Royal York hotel is decked out for Easter. The hotel was very busy as there was a convention at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre - CMPX 2022 Canadian Mechanical & Plumbing Expo - sounds exciting!
The Candance competition was also taking place. I had to google that, it is a dance competition.
I notice the remaining two events on their calendar have been postponed to the fall.

I picked up sushi for lunch.

Then we went fridge shopping. We went to Canadian Appliance Source and were very pleased with it. Great service and good prices, as good as appliance prices are.
This place was so amazing, invoices emailed and they completed the warranty requirements. They also asked us to check for our credit card insurance policies to ensure we didn't over insure.
 There is still great difficulty in sourcing some items, so we went with a fridge that could be delivered ASAP as in Monday (loading dock is closed on weekends). We are also confined by the tight space we have for a fridge.
We also decided we may as well replace the washer and dryer, but with a later delivery date as we need the plumber to update the taps (request submitted). The dishwasher is another story, as the size we need is out of stock, the salesman will look as finding us one, it is not urgent. 
So are we done now? First the toilet ($500), then the heat valve ($500), dishwasher (removal $160) and now the fridge!!! Plumber (dishwasher and washer/dryer TBD), handyman (dishwasher plug TBD) never mind the cost of the appliances!
However, these appliances have served us for 10 years, since we moved in, as they are all around 25 years old.



We watched Prisoners a 2013 American thriller film directed by Denis Villeneuve (Canadian, he is a brilliant director) from a screenplay written by Aaron Guzikowski. The film has an ensemble cast including Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Maria Bello, Terrence Howard, Melissa Leo, and Paul Dano.

The plot focuses on the abduction of two young girls in Pennsylvania and the subsequent search for the suspected abductor by the police. After police arrest a young suspect and release him, the father of one of the daughters takes matters into his own hands. The film was a financial and critical success, grossing US$122 million worldwide.

Beans is a 2020 Canadian drama film directed by Mohawk-Canadian filmmaker Tracey Deer. It explores the 1990 Oka Crisis at Kanesatake, which Deer lived through as a child, through the eyes of Tekehentahkhwa (nicknamed "Beans"), a young Mohawk girl whose perspective on life is radically changed by these events.

The Padre is a 2018 Canadian drama film directed by Jonathan Sobol and starring Tim Roth, Nick Nolte and Luis Guzman.

Cruella is a 2021 Oscar nominated American crime drama film based on the character Cruella de Vil from Dodie Smith's 1956 novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians. This was such a fun watch!

Nightmare Alley is a 2021 American neo-noir psychological thriller film directed by Guillermo del Toro from a screenplay by del Toro and Kim Morgan, based on the 1946 novel of the same name by William Lindsay Gresham. We are big del Toro fans and loved this. Click here to see an exhibit we saw a few years ago.
Much of this was filmed in Toronto and we had great fun picking out locations. See above.

We're also enjoying Super Pumped: The Story of Uber.

We also re-watched The Crying Game.


Saturday slow cooker ribs with coleslaw.

Sunday St. Patrick's Day leftovers became a hash for lunch.
John's choice - curry

Monday pan seared salmon with garlic lemon cream sauce and broccolini and bok choy, I threw in some cherry tomatoes at the end.

Tuesday cooking class mango salad - quite good Tom Yum soup delicious Pad Thai bland and boring. See above.

Wednesday out for lunch so scrambled eggs and sausages cooked by John.

Thursday ground beef nachos, this will get added to our rotating menu. I forgot to put the cilantro on top!

Friday steak and frites with chimichurri and dipping sauce for the frites.


I'm reading Lying Ways, a good read but it hasn't really caught my attention yet.

This week, Toronto’s tech industry received international recognition, with a New York Times piece spotlighting our booming tech sector and world-renowned talent pool. As the piece details, Toronto’s tech sector is growing at a faster rate than any other hub in the United States.


  1. Too bad the cooking class wasn't a success in terms of flavor. I usually don't like the mango salads in Asian restaurants because the mango isn't usually very flavorful. But that's really sad about the Pad Thai!

    best... mae at

  2. Oh no on the refrigerator! It's wild that everything went at the same time. Bummer on the cooking class. I'll add Prisoners to my list.

  3. The Thai cooking class looks like fun. I enjoy Thai food but haven't had it in ages. Thanks for the recomendation on the butter chicken sauce. Going to try that one.

  4. I'm waiting on a rent receipt for my taxes.

  5. That dog cartoon is great and so very true.

    The 'fridge dying is a nightmare. We once bought a new 'fridge and transferred everything to the new one only to find in the morning that it did not work.

    Twenty five years for a appliances is an excellent run. Just from curiosity, keep you eye on electricity consumptions. We've noticed a drop in the past as more energy efficient models replace older appliances.

    1. Yikes! I'll make sure it is running before these guys leave!!Yes, I can't complain these appliances have served us 10 years since we moved in, if I do the math and amortize these new ones over those 10 years we are ahead.
      We don't pay (well, we do, in our monthly maintenance fees) so we don't see our electricity consumption.

  6. My fridge is about 22 years old now but we have already decided that one of the things we must have when we move house is a new fridge. I am just crossing everything that it lasts that long.

  7. We usually get a good amount of rain here over Spring but it's a good time to find things to do inside.

  8. Appliance replacement was like dominos when we bought our last property. But they were well used when we moved in. However timing is everything in the replacement game...

  9. The virtual cooking class sounds fun, even if the recipes weren't spectacular. That salmon in creamy lemon sauce looks delicious so I added that to my Recipes to Try folder.

    Every time I read about someone's major appliance dying I give ours a wary side-eye.

  10. It does seem like all the appliances go out at the same time. It’s almost like you should only buy one appliance every year in the first years of adulthood so that everything won’t go out at once.

    I love the idea of a cooking class and I’ve taken three at various times, but all of these have been in person. It sounds fun to do one online.

    Here’s to the happy arrival of spring!

  11. That security question cartoon made me laugh. I REALLY hope I never forget my childhood pets because I won't be able to access any of my stuff! Have a great week!

  12. How fun to attend an online cooking class. There are some good things we've learned from the pandemic, like all these online communities just waiting for us to join them. I hope your new week turns out to be a wonderful one.

  13. A virtual cooking class sounds fun. I have thought of tryin to get my aunts and cousin to do an italian one with me. The pad thai looks good though. I have Thai peanut noodles on the menu this week. They're really good. I'm so sorry about the refrigerator...such a bummer. Glad you were able to replace it though. Your meals for the week sound amazing. I might need to use some to inspire me. I have salmon on my menu for tonight so I'm going to check out that recipe.


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