
Saturday, January 15, 2022

This Way...


Richmond St. Toronto ON

January 2022 - Toronto ON

Sad to see the passing of Sidney Poitier, To Sir, With Love is on my top 10 favourite movies' list since I first saw it. That song is also on my faves' list.

Quebec proposes to fine unvaccinated people, vaccine passports required to enter the liquor and cannabis stores. And suddenly they have a spike in vaccine appointments.

Flipping through Bloglovin' on Sunday I stopped and stared as it was a post that showed the same painting I had posted during the week! As I looked I realized Nag on the Lake had posted it with a link back to me, thanks Nag!

This is how the week played out. 

Monday John suggested going for a burger at Burger Priest, which we ate in the car. 
Then a drive to find a mural in a part of town we don't normally go to. It involved taking Eglinton Ave. West which is an absolute $hitshow. The Eglinton Crosstown West Extension was started in 2011 and isn't planned to complete until 2030/31!

Signs along Allen Rd where a line of the subway runs are these TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) suggested the subway is a better way to commute.

More hoarding murals.

John used the golf simulator three times this week, under the covid-modified rules of only one hour at a time.

Our cleaning lady came for the first time in a month as she was worried about the current virus numbers.

Extreme cold alerts were issued. Tuesday morning we rose to a balmy -19C which felt like -24C.

Looking out we can tell it is cold by the white plumes rising from the buildings.

Wednesday and it was 1C. 

Had a comment from a condo developer regarding an old post I did on the Murals of Islington Village.

Were woken at 8:30 (don't judge us) by the delivery of our groceries to our door. I had chosen the time slot 9-noon!

We did get a surprise new year gift from our financial advisor, a gift card for the LCBO (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) and an invite to a virtual presentation on Argentina wines in February. We can use the card to purchase several of the vintage wines that will be tasted in the presentation, there is also a suggested list of cheeses to pair with the wine. Something to look forward to.

Lots of movies, chores, embroidery, chat with my cousin, texts with friends. We're keeping safe and isolated.


Saturday lasagna and salad

Sunday a weird combination, we had wanted to try onion rings in the air fryer, I had a lot of cauliflower left and some leftover pork from the lasagna. So sweet and sour meatballs, onion rings and Buffalo cauliflower bites. Onion rings good, but use panko crumbs next time, cauliflower bites, meh, I didn't brad them.

Monday salad with egg and ham

Tuesday leftover lasagna and salad

Wednesday chicken a la orange an old family recipe, although I did add broccoli in with the chicken and sauce this time. The sauce wasn't as good as usual for some reason.

Thursday pork chops, colcannon. Pork chops in air fryer were so juicy and delicious.

Friday steak and fully fully loaded potatoes


John and I like movies, but don't profess to be critics. We like what we like. We often read the reviews after we see something and enjoy all the nuances that the reviewers delve into, but we just either enjoy or don't!

I finished a British series The One (warning - spoilers!). It was easy to watch as I prepared dinner or embroidered, interesting premise. 

We watched The Many Saints of Newark and enjoyed it. The sets and clothing were great.

Don't Look Up 2021, definitely a satire, somewhat divisive in its subject matter.

Vanquish 2021 fun, action, Morgan Freeman, incredible filming, predictable ending (by John). 

The Old Guard 2020 Charlize Theron, superheroes, immortal mercenaries, sequel in the works!

Through the Glass Darkly 2020 thriller, bigotry, corruption

My Kitchen Table 100 Weeknight Curries - on my laptop, not a bad cookbook but I didn't take much away.

The Madness of Crowds by Louise Penny, this is #17 in the Gamache series. In looking back at my previous ratings of her books I think I may be a little jaded by her writing. It is hard to read about a pandemic, already over in her book, after two doses. All is back to normal when that is not how the real story is playing out. I am tired of Ruth and the duck. Gamache gets more saintly (and pompous) as the series goes along. As for the morality of the story, I don't want to give any spoilers. 


  1. I had to laugh at this "vaccine passports required to enter the liquor and cannabis stores. And suddenly they have a spike in vaccine appointments." -- I think they should do that here. LOL.

    In terms of Louise Penny: sometimes I think I series can get too long.

    I haven't tried pork chops in the air fryer -- I'll put that on my plan for the coming week.

  2. I love those Ticketmaster tickets!!

    best... mae at

  3. More likely to see anti public transport ads here, even on public transport vehicles.

    The tickets are funny.

    The Expressway looks eerily quiet.

    It is all about incentives to get people to ignore their moral objections.

  4. Poitier was a wonderful actor. After he died, I watched one of my favourite of his, Shoot To Kill, in which he plays an FBI agent opposite Tom Berenger.

  5. My favourite Sidney Poitier movie is Guess Whose Coming for Dinner. Vale Sidney Poitier

  6. A quiet week in your neighborhood, we have the same tickets, use them most nights! We are socked in with cold and all the snow has turned to ice, walking slowly when I go anywhere, not because I am old, but I am cautious, I don't want to repeat the broken wrist of our first year here.

  7. I've quite enjoyed Don't Look Up. Something different and satirical yes.

    This has been my second weekend in a row of cashing in on my tickets of "staying home and do nothing".

    Have a good week and happy reading!

    Elza Reads

  8. Now that's the way to get people to take the vaccine! Excellent idea.

    Funny that we are also using the same tickets. Perhaps everybody is attending the same show.

    And good grief that's cold. Incomprehensible.We are shivering here as it drops a few degrees above freezing.


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