
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Signs 2

 Joining Tom at Signs2.

Wordless Wednesday Wordless Be There 2day
Mosaic Monday

Continuing with pit stops...
a stop (as during a trip) for fuel, food, or rest or for use of a restroom.

Killarney Ireland

River Kwai Thailand

Rotorua New Zealand


  1. Good captures now I know what to look out for heheh!

    Have a signtastic safe week 😷😷😷

  2. Ooooooo Ireland! I truly wish I was with you to see all that beautiful land, and castles not to mention the lovely people there with their wonderful Irish brogue! I would take so many pictures and I would want to meet lots of people and go looking at everything! Yes, that's what I would love to that and meet all the people who could tell me stories of the land.

  3. Cool signs. I've been to Killarney and Rotorua, but Thailand is still on my bucket list.

  4. ...boy, am I ever glad that these signs come with translations! Jackie, does you collection of these ever run out? Thanks for joining the party.

  5. There are times when these are most welcome signs to find.


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