
Monday, August 3, 2020

T for Tuesday

T Stands For is hosted by Elizabeth and Bleubeard

Going way back in my archives for this. I painted it in 2005 for my then coffee themed kitchen in our old house. It hung over the sink.


  1. Beautiful painting and perfect for T Day! Such a happy design and colours, I bet it looked wonderful in the kitchen too 😀. Wishing you a Happy T Day! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  2. Oh Jackie, I absolutely adore your painting. I agree with the sentiment, too. I'll take extra strength any day. This is a real gem and I can only imagine what a coffee themed kitchen would look like. Thanks ever so much for sharing this with us for T this Tuesday.

  3. Beautiful artwork. I love it. Happy T-Day!


  4. Great painting, Jackie. And perfect for our T-party.

    Happy T-day and have a lovely week! Hugs, Eileen

  5. I like the simplicity of it, and wouldn't mind it in my kitchen. I waas looking at places you have been. We visited Mazatlan Mexico in October of 2016.
    Happy T Day!

  6. To answer your comment about not having a driver's license, this is what I wrote on Iris's blog after she asked what happened if blind people didn't have a license:

    "To answer your question about blind people, the state has an identification card for those who don't drive, or those who have had their licenses revoked. The cards have identification numbers AND your face on the card. There are people who are unable to sign their own cards, so they have certified people who can sign for them and the card explains why the person can't sign the card. Being blind would be one reason, being permanently disabled and unable to move your upper body would be another. But YES, you must have a valid ID or Drivers license to vote in Kansas."

    Hope that answers your concerns, Jackie.

  7. Hello, nice to meet a new participant at Tea stands for Tuesday. I really like your coffee painting, just my style. Hope to see some of your other work

  8. How fun! great painting ~ Enjoy your week

  9. Don't know what happened, I was typing and then all of a sudden the screen jumped and my comment was published? What my fingers meant to say was. Your coffee cup is so cute and makes me think of my Eldest as she loves coffee. Well, she loves all the foo-foo flavored coffees. Happy T Day!

  10. What a great painting! I love the bright colors.
    Happy Tea Day,

  11. I like it. Extra strength is needed some mornings. Today was one of those for me. Hope it was a great T day. hugs-Erika

  12. What a colourful and fun painting! Yes, that would really look nice on the wall.
    Your blog is new to me and I will take some time tonight and have a closer look. Places I've been sounds really interesting. And I also spot a recipe section. All things that I like. So I'm glad you're 'on board'.
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

  13. Brilliant - in every way! Belated Happy T day, Chrisx


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