
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Signs 2

January 2015 - Las Vegas NV

Some of my favourite signs along Fremont.

Since I took these photos in 2015, the Goose and Vickie have been removed and relocated due tot he demolition of these buildings to make way for a new and "improved" casino resort.
The Golden Goose has been relocated to Fremont and 10th. I couldn't find any information on Vickie's fate.

Click here to see many other retired signs at the Neon Museum.

Cowboy Vic must be lonely these days.

The Golden Goose was a casino located on 20 Fremont Street in Downtown Las Vegas. It was the first casino to be fully owned by Herb Pastor and first opened in 1975. It later closed in 1991 after Pastor bought the Glitter Gulch Casino and converted both properties into a gentlemen's club, known as the Girls of Glitter Gulch, now also closed.

Vegas Vickie was originally named Sassy Sally when Glitter Gulch was a casino owned by Bob Stupak. The sign was created in 1980 by Ad Art’s Jack Dubois and Charles Barnard. The sign gained national attention in 1994 when she “married” her neighboring neon cowboy, Vegas Vic, who currently stands over the former Pioneer Club building.

Vegas Vic is a neon sign resembling a cowboy that was erected on the exterior of The Pioneer Club in 1951. The sign was a departure in graphic design from typeface based neon signs, to a friendly and welcoming human form of a cowboy. The sign's human-like abilities of talking and waving its arm constituted an immediate acceptance as the unofficial welcoming sign reproduced thousands of times over the years and all over the world.

Oscar’s Neon Martini Glass shown here, though it is mounted on East Fremont along with many of the other renovated signs in the “gallery,” is not actually a restored vintage sign. It was created new a few years ago. It was named for the long-time mayor of Las Vegas, Oscar Goodman.


  1. Love the glitzy signs! It's been years since I was in Vegas or Reno, but the signs, I guess, never change. Ha!

  2. very cool shots! The times they are changing....sometimes not for the better.............

  3. Very eye-catching and unique signages! Thanks for sharing these.
    Happy #ww and a great week ahead.


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