
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Back Catalog

Dutch's Tuesday Photo Challenge

This prompt require's Dutch's explanation.
My challenge to you is to find an image in your back catalog that still grabs your attention and share it! Of course, if you want to re-interpret the image with what you have gained over the years, feel free to do so. Any kind of image is appropriate for this challenge! Let us know why this image still gets your attention!

February 2015 - Sydney Australia

This photo was taken on a very mediocre tour from Sydney to the Blue Mountains. The tour outline looked great on paper but the guide was worthless. The morning dragged on and then in the afternoon the fog rolled in and it looked like rain.
We stopped at Mount Tomah Botanic Gardens thinking it's late summer in Australia, how great are the gardens going to be?
AND I got this shot!


  1. We once hired a car to take my partner's relatives up to the Blue Mountains and it was all fogged in, but we have seen it in all its glory another time.

  2. The flowers really pops out. Don't you just love an unexpected marvelous shot like that?! Great post!

  3. A wonderful photo for a bad memory Jackie


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