
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Kammie's Odd Ball Challenge

Kammie's Odd Ball Challenge

The rules are - no rules.
Odd Ball Photos are those great photos that you take which really don’t seem to fit into a common category. We’ve all taken them and like them, because we just can’t hit delete and get rid of them. If you have any of those type of photos, this challenge is for you.
Oddball: noun a person or thing that is atypical, bizarre, eccentric, or nonconforming
adjective whimsically free-spirited; eccentric; atypical

My posts in this challenge seem to be "arty" lately.

I love this piece that we found on Dundas St. directly across from the Art Gallery of Ontario.

Van Gogh Observes by Joe Fafard the link will take you to more of his works.




  1. I like this photo a lot. And the odd ball challenge sounds like fun. Are you still doing it? (The link goes to a Sep post.)

    1. Yes, still doing it. I just hadn't updated my link. If you clicked on Kammie's header it would bring you to the latest.

  2. Great find! I like the one with the shadow and light on it.


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