
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tuesday Treasures

Tom the backroads traveller hosts this weekly meme. 

I am reposting this from 2014 as it is fun to re-read some of our travels.

November 2007 - Cairo Egypt

I'm continuing our first day of touring in Cairo.

On the road as we left the Step Pyramids in Sakkara there are several carpet making schools on both sides of the road.

As you enter you will see women and children making actual carpets based on complex designs. You can watch how they stitch and knot the carpets and see the different materials in use.

We didn't buy anything! 


  1. Wow! How fascinating to see how they turn woolen strands into works of art! What a wonderful skill. Those carpets are treasures.

  2. ...what with my ADD, this is something that I could never do! It's great to see this skill of the past being passed down. Thanks Jackie for sharing, I hope to see you again.

  3. Jackie, splendid men and women weavers. Thanks for sharing.


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