
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Looney Bean

March 2018- Toronto ON

February 2018 - Mazatlan Mexico

Another eventless week as we both continue to cough but things will look up next week.

I did get my hair cut on Monday and took these pictures in the old CIBC building.

My BFF and I went shopping and I was looking for a spring jacket. We looked in Winners (Canadian version of T J Maxx) but didn't find anything. When we walked into Cleo's the sales person was showing jackets that were on sale for $35!! I tried one and loved it. That's practically free!

It was raining out and we didn't feel like going to our "usual" as we are a little jaded with their menu. I had seen a new spot The Walrus Pub.

I "borrowed" this photo of the outside as I forgot to get one.

They have many gluten free options on their menu which is a bonus.
Even at 12:30 we had to wait for a table.

At first glance we weren't sure what to have but we both settled on the moules frites, listed as a starter it was a full sized portion and absolutely delicious. Service was friendly and efficient.

I had another try at gluten free fish and chips, using tapioca flour this time. Better but still having trouble getting it to stick to the fish. I've read suggestions on using tempura flour but they were out of the at Longo's.

John requested my slow cooker ribs so we had those.

I did make this this raspberry yogurt cake and it was delicious, John said even better than the apple one from a few weeks ago.

Came across this on Pinterest and thought it had some great ideas.


What Remains is a coming of age story set in Toronto in the 1970s and 80s. It was a good read providing interesting historical insight into fashions and styles of the city in that period. It is a classic mother-daughter story.

I read my first Marian Keyes book, Making It Up As I Go Along which was a series of magazine articles she had written over the years. It was light-hearted and funny but didn't inspire me to read more of her. I do follow her on Twitter and she is a funny lady!

Distress Signals confirms why I never want to take a large cruise ship. I really enjoyed the story


The Woman Who Couldn't Scream is an average read but I am intrigued as to where the story is going.



  1. I was just imagining you out shopping with a friend and stopping to take photos all along the way! My husband rarely gets to eat his food hot because I always have to photograph it.. so funny

  2. Your Walrus Pub meal looks really good, and so does that raspberry cake. I wish I had a trick for your fish, but I don't. Thanks for the baking hacks, I like to collect those kinds of tips. I'm just about done with my crazy busy season, can't wait to have more time for myself.

  3. The old CIBC building is quite dramatic!

  4. Love the beautiful ceiling on the CIBC building. Thanks for sharing the baking hacks, too. Now if I'll only remember them when the time comes!
    My Saturday Snapshot post features Street Art in Auburn, WA.

  5. So sorry to hear you've been sick - glad you were well enough to get out and about a bit - it's always fun trying a new restaurant!

    For gluten-free fish and chips, just use straight-up cornmeal with no flour in it. Naturally gluten-free and it's way better than flour anyway! That's the way they make it in the South US, and it's delicious!

    Your cake looks yummy!

    Hope you feel better & have a good week coming up!


    Book By Book

  6. Oh, I want to try that Raspberry you burg cake, I’ll save that recipe.
    That CIBC building is amazing, almost cathedral like.

    Guess what I just read on Goodreads?!! Peter Robinson is coming out with a new Inspector Banks book, it will be available in Canada before the US. I wish Tana French would get a new one out too. My favorites.

  7. Hope you are recovering so you can discover new wonderful places like Walrus Pub. The food looked terrific.

  8. Raspberry Yogurt Cake - yummy picture - added to my list ... hope your cough is gone now.


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