
Saturday, March 17, 2018

Hot Tea and Cold Medicine

March 2018 - Toronto ON

Random travel photos this week.

We're both battling colds this week so not too much excitement! In fact don't expect much of anything. Other than lots of TV binges of series.

I watched both seasons of Sensitive Skin with Kim Cattrall. Filmed in Toronto the scenes of the city are magnificent.

We both watched season one of Power, now have to find the next seasons.

Throw in some late night TV and movies along with some reading and that was it!


I made this delicious cream cheese apple cake - a keeper. Might use two loaf pans instead next time rather than 13 X 9.

Chili for dinner with salad, the rest of the kale bag that I bought and I added grapefruit and beets to it. I made this dressing with grapefruit. The salad dressing was disappointing, not a keeper.


I forgot to mention that last week a second cousin, Billy Brennan in Dublin got in touch with me. He found my blog and page on family history through a Google search. Since then we have been exchanging photos and questions.
He has inspired me to do some more family digging now that I have some other names and addresses.
Based on what I received I spent the day researching birth, wedding and death records, but still having trouble getting further back than my great great grandparents on my mother's maternal side.

Dinner was roast pork, potatoes, turnips and carrots.


We're still flagging from our colds so tomato soup seemed like a good idea. I haven't made this in years. When we are in Mexico we drink of lot of tomato juice. The first grocery order we did when we got home included cans of Heinz tomato juice so a perfect base.
In a large saucepan, melt butter. Stir in flour, curry powder and onion powder until smooth. Gradually add tomato juice and sriracha. I had some frozen leftover rice so I added that along with grated Parmesan. Served with homemade gluten free croutons.


John crawled out from his blankets to meet a friend for lunch and I managed a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond.

Exciting times!

Fried chicken and homemade potato salad for dinner.


It felt like a total relapse and we both just curled up in the living room and vegging.


More energy but still coughing and hacking.

Steak fries and salad for dinner.

New Recipes

Mashed potato bites looks like a good way to use leftover mashed potatoes for lunch.


That was me this week.


The Woman at 72 Derry Lane reads like a Maeve Binchy story and definitely ended as one. There are quite a few errors/mistakes that really should have been caught by a proofreader/editor. Loved it? No, but liked it.

The Sleepwalker  by Chris Bohjalian - I liked The Guest Room but was not as enarmoured with this one. It starts very slowly and is quite repetitive but the ending is a twist.

Also by  Chris Bohjalian Tran-Sister Radio - what a great title based on the subject! Liked this much more than The Sleepwalker.  About gender reassignment there is a lot of medical descriptions in it, probably more than I needed, but it was a better read than the Stuck in the Middle with You, a true story.


The Only Cafe Toronto set near our old house, we often walked by this cafe/bar.
A Scotiabank Giller prize winner, the writer is a journalist, so the writing is descriptive with short sentences.



  1. I hope you guys are on the mend soon. Ugh. I hate being that kind of sick. Looks like you managed to get some good eating in, though. There's something very comforting about tomato soup. I too have had hits and misses with Bohjalian.

  2. I hope you're feeling better soon. Usually when I come down with a cold it mostly manifests itself with a sore throat.

  3. Do you have a recipe link for the cream cheese apple cake? It sounds delicious.

    How awesome to be contacted by a distant relative. I've tried to do research in the past, but came to dead ends. Maybe I should try again now that there's more info available.

    I've never read any Bohjalian, but I'm on the waitlist at the library for his new book, The Flight Attendant. I hope it's one of his hits and not one of his misses.

    Hope you're feeling better this week!

  4. Hope you feel better soon. Is Power on Netflix?

  5. Hope yo are feeling better. We have been fighting the cold and it has been dreadful. Tomato soup is such a comfort food. I tried making three batches of chicken soup last week and managed to burn all three.

  6. I know how you feel Jackie, we have been full of cold here too! I've never watched so many box sets.
    How interesting that you are exploring your family tree, will look forward to seeing how you get on.

    Hope you guys feel better soon :)

    Thanks for sharing with #MMBC. Hope to see you tomorrow!

  7. I'm sorry to hear you were not feeling well this week. Chris Bohjalian's new book, The Flight Attendant, is really good.

  8. Sorry to hear that you've been ill! 'Tis the season for colds!

  9. I like Chris Bohjalian and look forward to getting the Flight Attendant book. His writing is excellent. Hope you all are getting better, a cold is so bothersome. Soup is a great idea.
    I am between books right now and will probably start something on my Kindle. Wish Tana French would put a new book out.

  10. Nothing wrong with taking it easy and reading books, "hanging out" when you're not feeling well! That tomato soup sounds delicious, gotto try that sometimes. Thank you much for linking, and from All Seasons wishing you're both feeling better soon, and a good recuperating week!
    About your comment about St. Patrick's day - there are a few good things about being older than 20 -no one expects us to party every occasion we get:):)

  11. Sorry you've been sick. And typographical errors make this old printer sick. It's been a long time since I worked in my trade because of computerization, but the time was when I could glance at a page and the errors would jump out at me. Now my hands are so old, I spend most of my time looking for my own typos! :)
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel


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