
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday Treasures

Tom the backroads traveller hosts this weekly meme. 

February 2018 - Mazatlan Mexico

While standing outside the Art Gallery I noticed that there were several street signs on the buildings.

Venustiano Carranza Park, named for the rebel general who gave the order for the aerial bombing of the hill in 1914. He was elected president of the country later that year.

On May 6, 1914, biplane Captain Gustavo Salinas and his copilot Teodoro Madariaga made history in the skies over western Mexico’s port city of Mazatlan. Supporting a rebel army battling government forces below them, Madariaga tossed a pigskin packed with dynamite, coal and nails over the side of the plane, hoping to hit a federale fort on Neveria Hill. But aerial bombing hadn’t yet become an art — this was the first try at it in the Western Hemisphere — and the makeshift bomb missed its target. Instead, it wiped out a shoe factory a few blocks away.


  1. Blowing up a factory you didn't intend to hit doesn't rate as an oops sort of mistake.

  2. Interesting---information --too bad about the shoe factory

  3. ...treasures are everywhere! History is such fun to discover. Thanks Jackie and enjoy your vacation.


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