
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Sidewalking Daily

August 2017 - Toronto ON

In my weekly recap I show highlights of my/our days but I thought I'd give you a full blown picture(s) of my average daily ramblings. I will go into more detail on some things in separate posts. I also left out a few goodies.
Today's outing was about 13,000 steps or 5.25 miles.

I started off at Union Station and decided to use the indoor PATH to head west along Front St. No reason really, other than to avoid the ridiculous downtown traffic with impatient drivers who can't wait for pedestrians to cross on the walk signal. And I haven't walked this way in a long time.

You can walk indoors from Union to the Convention Centre, CN Tower, Rogers Centre and Ripley Aquarium, the Delta Hotel and the Intercontinental.

An original train station sign underneath the Skywalk sign.

The UPstairs refers to the UP Union to Pearson train. Pearson is the international airport.

Pathway to the Delta Hotel.

Looking down at the gardens beside the convention centre and across from the old railyard now a tourist attraction with trains on display along with a train museum. There is also the Rec Room, recently opened, arcade with restaurants.

Convention centre, aquarium, CN Tower and Rogers Centre. See the bird pecking the pole.

Looking northeast towards the financial district. The red train is waiting to go to the airport.

I'm outside now behind the CN Tower away from the crowds.

John St. Bridge.

The crowds at the Rogers Centre watching the tourists arriving for a Blue Jays game.

The city has these discovery maps around with suggested walks.

More crowds jeering outside the Renaissance hotel.

A leafy view of the CN Tower.

Sculpture outside the Renaissance. They have rooms that look into the Rogers Centre which would be great for watching a game or a concert.

I will show more of this sculpture in detail in another post.
The Memorial to Commemorate the Chinese Railroad Workers in Canada.

I had crossed the street to get better photos of the memorial and discovered that there is a walkway underneath Spadina St.

Canoe Landing Park was one of my destinations. Canoe Landing Park is an 8 acres (3.2 ha) privately funded urban park adjacent to the Gardiner Expressway.

All the condos around here are relatively new and bring new life along with grocery stores, restaurants and banks.

 The Puente de Luz (Bridge of Light) gives CityPlace residents traveling on foot or by bike an easy route to the city.
Spanning 125 metres over the busy rail corridor to the west of Union Station, the north end of the bridge terminates at the foot of Portland Street, just a short walk from retail and restaurant rich King West. In the absence of the bridge, CityPlace residents would have to exit via Fort York Boulevard, head north on Spadina and then double back on Front to arrive at the same destination.

Victoria Memorial Square is part of Fort York National Historical Site, which is owned and operated by the City. The square, which is located at Portland and Wellington streets, includes the first cemetery (opened 1793) associated with Fort York which contains over 500 burials.

The cemetery reached capacity in 1863 and was closed and largely abandoned. Over the decades, neglect and vandalism resulted in there today being only 17 surviving grave stones which have been mounted and preserved.

A familiar site around downtown.

Lunch at the Firkin on King. I didn't take a photo of my food, it wasn't worthy, frozen fish and chips. But fun decorations.

Further along King St. I stopped into the outdoor market at Roy Thomson Hall.

Click here to step inside St. Andrew's.

From here I headed back to Union!


  1. A nice selection of local photos. I wish we had ducked down into a PATH just for a look. I didn't really know what they were when we visited. Our Canadian coach driver told us a funny story, which I have forgotten, about the confusion when he took a tour into the US and wanted to use the washroom, which they call bathroom. I think he was sent to the laundry.

    1. Visiting the PATH is a lot of fun, and esp handy in bad/hot weather.
      I replied to you in an email also.
      Yes, Americans identify us as Canadians as soon as we ask for the restroom!

  2. Yes, much to our surprise, we were rather hot in Canada and we had packed inappropiately. Could we have walked along PATH from Yonge Street Square? to the Fairmont rather than catch the train? Restroom was used here, especially in service stations, that is car petrol/gas stations, but has fallen from favour now.

  3. That's quite a walk to make! I've never done the PATH network over towards the CN tower.


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