
Monday, July 31, 2017

Tuesday Treasures

Pictorial Tuesday   Tom hosts Tuesday's Treasures.

July 2017 - Toronto ON

We visited several temporary exhibits at the AGO last week.
Out of the Depths
The Evidence Room

We also enjoyed
 The Family Camera
The Family Camera invites you to see family photographs differently. Tucked away in a box, framed on the wall, or saved to the cloud, personal photos are all around us in abundance. For Canadians, family photographs are often linked to stories of migration. Whether recent or in the distant past, over short or long distances, international or even within Canada, photographs play an important role in these experiences. From departures and arrivals to everyday moments and milestones, they capture these journeys and keep us connected; even the family photos that are lost or destroyed along the way can still linger in our imaginations.

The Living Room presents the stories of three individual participants through their family photography, situated within an immersive installation that includes a range of artifacts and technologies. Even the photos shown in the windows reflect the outside scenes related to the stories.

Items in a drawer in the living room.

The View-Master system was introduced in 1939, four years after the advent of Kodachrome color film made the use of small high-quality photographic color images practical. Tourist attraction and travel views predominated in View-Master's early lists of available reels, most of which were meant to be interesting to users of all ages.

There were so many stories told through these family albums. There were albums from so many immigrant families.

In the 1950s, the Herbert George Company of Chicago, Illinois produced an official Girl Scout camera. Many Boy Scout cameras were produced throughout the mid-1900s, but few models were made for the female scouts. This easy-use 620 box style camera used an eye-level viewfinder and featured the Girl Scout logo on its faceplate.

Vintage Kodak Christmas ads.

Loved this display! Girls and their dolls.

Proudly showing photos of gay weddings here in Toronto.

Residential schools were government-sponsored religious schools established to assimilate Indigenous children into Euro-Canadian culture. Although the first residential facilities were established in New France, the term usually refers to the custodial schools established after 1880. Originally conceived by Christian churches and the Canadian government as an attempt to both educate and convert Indigenous youth and to integrate them into Canadian society, residential schools disrupted lives and communities, causing long-term problems among Indigenous peoples.

A school photo.

And we had fun playing around with the mirrored display.


  1. It's been a very long time since I've seen one of those view master things!

  2. ...oh how I remember so many of these. Living the once 'Kodak Town' and all. View-Masters were wonderful in the '50s, when I was a kid. Thanks Jackie for sharing all these treasures, I hope that there will be more.


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